Wednesday, May 19, 2010

been a while....

So it's been a long time since I've been on here.  I'm never really on the computer long enough to sit down and write.'s now summertime for me! It has been for about 3 weeks now actually!

I found out yesterday that I passed the multiple choice part of the Praxis II so I'm super excited about that! I didn't wanna have to take that long test again. It's exhausting!

I also found out that I will be doing my internship at Iuka Middle School!!!! 5th grade Reading, Language Arts, and Math! MATH!!!!! NOOOOOOOO! Maybe they will decide not to team teach next year and I won't have to teach math. That would be the best case senario!

I'm pretty excited to get the cabin going! We are redoing an old cabin that some of my grandparents friends used to own. We tore out the carpet and now we're about to start painting. Then the floor has to be layed and a lot of other things.

I've been spending a lot of time with Brandon so far this summer and it's been good! I'm just glad to be able to stay for a while and not have to go back to Starkville. I was sick of that drive every weekend.

I really miss my friends! I need a GOOD girls weekend with my friends Courtney, Katie, and Candace! That's why I'm hoping the cabin will be finished soon so we can get together at the cabin and go out on the boat! FUN!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Break

Well Easter break was fun and kinda boring at times.  It was such a beautiful weekend the whole time but we didnt really have anything to do.  Brandon is broke and he wont let me pay for anything so we didn't do a whole lot. 

We went fishing which was relaxing. Here's some pics from the fishing day at Pickwick Dam. 

My oldest friend Anna

Brandon changing lures for the 20th time!

I love that smile!

This man has my heart!

Look at that cute bubble butt! ;) haha

I didn't get to go to church Sunday and I really wanted to.  I realize clothes should never be an issue but sometimes it is for me.  My dress was a little more snug than I expected.  That means it's time for me to lose some weight.  I need to go dress shopping.  And khaki shopping for Brandon. 

Brandon went turkey hunting and about had a heart attack because he saw so many turkeys.  Hes so obsessed with hunting but it makes me happy when he's happy.  

Today was fun.  I woke up and Brandon was hunting so I watched The Little Mermaid.  When he got home we watched Space Jam and Monsters Inc. Its so much fun being a kid.  We acted immature and childish all day! That's the most fun I have hahaha!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mustache memories!

~Me and Cambre with mustaches haha~

so far....

My first full week at the school went well! It was a dang long week though! I'm gonna have to get used to going every day! Today I taught my first lesson and it made me not so nervous! I'm enjoying it but I am oh so ready for summer time! I have a feeling it's gonna be an AMAZiNg summer with my sweet sweet boyfriend! I can't wait!! :) I enjoyed last week so much because I got to spend time with my bff Court and it's been so long since we got to hang out! I enjoy our long talks! :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This is the most amazing woman in the world! I have never met anyone quite like her.  She has the biggest heart and is so nurturing!  This is my grandmother, Momma D.  She has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  She is so strong and I look up to her so much for that but it is really hard to be strong for her.  I don't get to visit her as much as I should because of school and that's a sad subject.  I just want everyone that reads this to please be praying for her and my Daddy D.  We just found out a few months ago that he is in the early stages of alzheimers.  That's a sad disease.  But I love my grandparents and I they have been the best!  My other grandparents, Grandmomma and Granddaddy, are also so amazing!  I am so blessed to have two sets of grandparents that love me and my family so much!  All four of these people have made such a huge impact on my life and have made me who I am today!  I love them!  I pray that God will wrap his arms around them because they are special and one of a kind and only make this world a better place!  Please be praying for them. :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010


  • Ok so I know I haven't been on here lately but I just haven't had time to sit down and write anything.  I've just been too busy with school. UGH! Right now I'm supposed to be writing my educational statement for my internship application but I just don't feel like finishing it.  I am too sleepy. 
  • Only ONE more week of block classes and I am pumped!!! WOOT WOOT!! This week is going to be a very busy week because we have to finish our projects and lesson plans and tests. JOY! And to follow the oh so busy week is the Praxis II. I have to be there at 7 freakin 30 Saturday morning and it's gonna last till like 1.  That's gonna be a lonnnnnnng day! But then it's SPRING BREAK! :) Here I come Pickwick!
  • And of course I miss Courtney and Katie! We're supposed to get together over spring break and I'm excited about that just because it's been so long. We belong together!!!! :)

  • I don't know what my deal has been lately but every time I leave Brandon now to go home or him leave here, I always end up crying. I am just sick of having to leave for the week. I enjoy spending time with him. Even when we don't do much we still enjoy each other's company! I know that he's the one for me because I really have never met anyone like him before! He is so good to me and he's just what I deserve! Of course I have to set him straight sometimes but that's just cause he can be a typical guy sometimes haha! ;) He's a sweetheart though!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Weekend!

These are a few pictures from this weekend!
We went to the Flea Market in Tupelo with our married friends, Anna and Eddie.
We have a really fun time together.
As you can see, we tend to act goofy when we're around each other.
But to me, that's what makes life fun!
Brandon was very sweet giving me my Valentine's day gift.
I didn't want him to get me anything but a card just because I like cards.
Well I thought that's all I got because he gave it to me to read.
He made me open his closet to get a turkey decoy and my teddy bear was sitting there.
I absolutley love teddy bears and I've been wanting one so bad!
I went to sleep with it under my arm and woke up in the same position this morning.
I made Brandon a card from Valentine's and he really seemed to like it.
It was very cute I must say!
Brandon also got me the Nicholas Sparks book "The Lucky One".
It wasn't really for Valentine's though. 
We went to BooksAMillion and I mentioned I wanted that book and he ended up buying it for me without me knowing. 
Sneaky little thing.
It was very sweet of him though.
He spoils me big time!
I <3 him so much!